Portrait Enhancements

Shine;  10/16/2010; 2:06 PM;  Downtown Idaho Falls, ID; f/5.6; 1/100 sec;  Sony DSLR-A200
Enhancements:  Levels, Curves, Skin Smoothing (brush painting), teeth whitening (desaturation), eye brighten (dodge), edge burning (vignette)
I found it hard to find much to correct or enhance in this photo, but  after some playing, found that the enhancement did just what they are supposed to do.  They enhanced what was already a pretty good photo.  The smoothed skin is the most subtle but most powerful enhancement.
Stand Up;  10/16/2010; 2:10PM; Downtown Idaho Falls, ID; f/5.6;  1/80sec; Sonly DSLR-A200
Camera RAW:  blacks, exposure
Enhancements:  Color Match, increased luminosity, slight fade.
I liked the coloring of the portrait of the small girl, and wanted to see if I could match it.  Using Color Match, the coloring of the alley shot matched the old photo.  The slightly aged feel is the result.


A Pair;  10/17/2010; 4:14PM; Downtown Idaho Falls, ID; f/7.1; 1/160sec; Sony DLSR-A200
Camera RAW:  Blacks; Vibrancy
Enhancements:  Color Replace
Replacing the red color of this subject dress was difficult, because of the reflections of the shadows on her arms and hair.  I had to take a wide range of reds to get the entire dress to change.  You can see elements that didn’t make it.  Because there were reds in both subjects faces and lips, I had to mask out the color replace in several places.  Tricky job.
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1 Comment

  • >Amazing job at making the enhancements look 100% natural. I'm one that tends to get carried away with the enhancements, but you don't. The photo turned out great!

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