
Light Painting


Light Painting is a method of photography that allows the photographer to choose exactly where they want the light to shine.

Taken in complete darkness (save the moon in some cases), the photograph is captured using a very long exposure. In each of the images above, the shutter was open for about 30 seconds. During those 30 seconds, I used high-powered flash lights to sweep across (paint) the subject matter. The camera picks up on the reflected light and pieces together the entire image.

Mix and Match


I think one of the greatest gifts you can give as a photographer is variety. It’s easy to fall into routine once you’ve established photo-shoot setups that work, but in reality, it’s just as easy to break that routine. Every time I’ve remember how limitless photography can be, it injects more creativity into my shoots and I’m always able to try something new. For this shoot, different outfits on the subject meant I could mix and match different backgrounds and shoot setups and bring out true variety.

Big Moments Compacted


I’ve found that shooting just one individual person can often times be just as careful of a process as shooting a large group of people. Everything that I would normally have to consider with a large group photo gets compacted into one small frame. On the flip side, working with one individual means more time, and more freedom to collaborate and harness the subject’s creativity.